
CommFort 5.93 Chat communication for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

CommFort Abstract:

CommFort is a multi-functional client-server LAN/Internet communicator combining an advanced text chat, voice chat and file/folder exchange system. It is a shareware network communication application that's advanced and light on system resources.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Set up a communications system for PCs with LAN by installing this server/client app - Screenshot of CommFort
Set up a communications system for PCs with LAN by installing this server/client app.
Screenshot of CommFort - 647px · 376px
Manage permissions, restrictions, user privacy, and main functions - Screenshot of CommFort
Manage permissions, restrictions, user privacy, and main functions.
Screenshot of CommFort - 485px · 296px
High-load client-server multimedia chat - Screenshot of CommFort
High-load client-server multimedia chat.
Screenshot of CommFort - 640px · 408px